Uncontested Divorce




Refer to ourDivorce & Family Law page for the definition of what a ‘Uncontested Divorce‘ is?

Often there are children involved in a divorce and the issue of child support must be addressed. Child support is governed by the Federal Child Support Guidelines. These Guidelines are determined by law and are strictly adhered to by the Courts. Spousal support may also be involved in your situation. Spousal support is determined by Spousal Support Guidelines. These Guidelines have been created by the opinions of law professors, lawyers and family law experts and are generally followed by the Court. We are qualified to assist you with determining the appropriate amount of child support and spousal support owing by one party to the other, we are also more than happy to explain to you and your spouse the process involved, so there is no added stress in an already emotionally stressful situation.

We will take care of all steps in the uncontested divorce proceeding from professionally drafting the initial document (referred to as a Statement of Claim for Divorce), serving the document on your spouse, drafting and filing the remainder of the documents, and obtaining the Certificate of Divorce for you.  If we run into difficulties with serving the Statement of Claim for Divorce in the normal manner, we will arrange for an alternative method.  Just because your spouse may attempt to avoid service or cannot be served does not mean that the divorce cannot proceed or that it becomes a “contested” divorce. A divorce only becomes “contested” when your spouse disputes the Statement of Claim for Divorce by filing a document at the Courthouse called a “Statement of Defence to Divorce”.  If this circumstance were to occur, we have a strong referral network of highly qualified family law lawyers who can then assist you.

There are occasions when divorce documents are filed and the other party initially contests the divorce but then, over time, the parties can reach an agreement. If this is the situation in which you find yourself in, we can assist you with following through on the divorce without the requirement of a lawyer.

Please feel free to call at any time if you have any questions or clarification.  It is our goal to make this process as seamless and stress-free as possible.

If you need help with an uncontested divorce, then please get in touch. I’m a paralegal so no expensive lawyer fees.